26 Jul 23

The New “Old” – Urban Renewal in China

Beijing Fusion Center.

The New “Old”, directing the city’s rejuvenation in harmony with its cultural identity.

As cities continue to grow and develop, the concept of ‘urban renewal’ has taken centre stage as an innovative method to optimise the use of existing and dormant resources. This approach breathes new life into historic buildings, ensures new structures cohere with their urban surroundings, and invigorates the functionality of modern buildings to meet evolving needs.

Woods Bagot, a global studio with a wealth of experience in successfully transforming urban landscapes, has pioneered a holistic urban regeneration strategy. Our approach encompasses architectural design, interior styling, and branding, resulting in revitalised cityscapes that honour their history while embracing the future.

We recently had the pleasure of hearing from some of the masterminds behind Woods Bagot’s urban regeneration team: Associate Principal and Shanghai Urban Regeneration Design Leader Hang Xu, Senior Associate Lewis Zhang, Associate Principal Kun Qi, and Principal Christopher Lye. They provided an insightful behind-the-scenes look at some of the team’s most impactful projects across China, including Dahua 1935, Tianjin Jinmao Plaza, Beijing Fusion Center, Shanghai Inpoint, Yu Garden, and the soon-to-be-completed Suzhou Yanlord Cangjie.

In an engaging video presentation, they detailed the meticulous process that the Woods Bagot team undergoes to uncover the unique DNA of each project. This in-depth understanding informs their ‘placemaking’ strategy, enabling them to direct the city’s rejuvenation in harmony with its cultural identity.

Click the projects below to learn more about Woods Bagot’s urban renewal projects and to explore how our approach is shaping the future of urban living.

“Interdisciplinary collaboration and holistic approach are the key factors that drive the success of urban renewal practices.”

W-B Associate Principal and Shanghai Urban Regeneration Design Leader Hang Xu

Transformation of the historic Xi’an textile mill into a world-class entertainment and retail destination.

“By incorporating branding into the restoration of a historical building, the result is an architectural ambiance that preserves its traditional charm while infusing it with contemporary and innovative elements.”

W-B Senior Associate Lewis Zhang

“By emphasising the site’s local characteristics through strategic planning, the sites distinctive local features and historic elements can revive attractions.”

W-B Principal & regional retail sector leader Christopher Lye

“The functional transformation of modern buildings necessitates a co-creation strategy involving designers, clients, and end users.”

W-B Associate Principal Kun Qi
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